Monday, October 27, 2014

Inverse Operations

We are beginning with Inverse Operations.

Inverse Operations/Equations help you solve a problem with an unknown variable. It is an equation that is part of the fact family.

     Variables: letters, shapes, symbols that represent another number.

Problem: 4 + R = 10
Fact Family: R + 4 = 10
                     10 - R = 4
                     10 - 4 = R

Inverse Operation/Equation:   10 - 4 = R

Now you can find the answer 10 take away 4 = 6. R=6.

Problem: 6 x N = 18

Fact Family: N x 6 = 18
                     18 / N = 6
                     18 / 6 = N

Inverse Operation/Equation:    18/6=N

Now you can skip count to find the answer.    6, 12, 18.     N=3

Quarter 2 Focus

This quarter we are all about nonfiction texts.

Kids!! Get to the library and find some books that interest you!!

We will be focusing on these topics while reading:
      -Main Idea
      -Supporting Details
      -Facts and Opinion
      -Author's Purpose
      -Information from Pictures
      -Cause and Effect

Parents: make sure you are asking students questions as they read. Here are a few questions:

What is the main topic?
Why do you think that is the main topic?
What happened in this story? What happened in this specific paragraph?
What are the facts in this story?
Does the author share any opinions?
Why did the author write this story?
What information does the picture tell you? Does the picture help you understand more of the text?
Why did a certain event happen? What caused an event?
What happened? Why did it happen?

As always, let me know if there are any issues, questions, or concerns.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

RACES Writing

Here is the strategy we use for answering questions using a text. We call it RACES writing!

R: restate
A: answer
C: cite evidence
E: explain
S: sum it up

UPSc--Understand, Plan, Solve, check

UPS!! No, not the United Postal Service! 

This is our way of solving EVERY math problem. 
Yes, every single math problem. 
Every time, all the time!

Understand: What is happening? Should your answer get bigger or smaller? Write your equation here!!

Plan: Draw out or make a plan.

Solve: Use your strategies to solve the problem. Do what you said your equation was.

Check: Does the answer make sense?

Word Problems

Get ready for Galileo!

Let's think about word problems. We came up with some information to help us solve word problems.

Addition Word Problems:

Subtraction Word Problems:

Multiplication Word Problems:

Division Word Problems:

Multiplication and Division

Hey 3rd Graders,
Here are our Multiplication and Division strategy strategies that we are working on.
        Really think about the Understanding of each problem.
            What are you doing in the problem?
            What is happening?
*Don't forget to ALWAYS write the equation!

Multiplication Strategies
-Make a Groups Picture
-Use Repeated Addition
-Make an Array
-Use Skip Counting

Division Strategies
-Make a Groups Picture
-Use Repeated Subtraction
-Use Skip Counting