Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Multiplying by 10s

Hey kiddos! Sorry this was not up sooner, but keep practicing at home!

There are two strategies that we learned in class to solve problems.

Let's take a look at both. 

          60 x 5

Model Strategy

We know that there are 5 tens in 60.
We have five groups of 6 tens in each group. This is done with 10s sticks remember.
When you see this, you should remember that now you can skip count to see how many sticks you drew.

You will skip count 6, 12, 18, 24, 30
There are 30 tens.

30 x 10 = 300
(Strategy on picture, Green strategy below)

Distribute Strategy

The second strategy is do break apart the numbers. This is done by first pulling out the 3 and the 8. 
3 x 8 = 24  
Remember this is 24 tens.
So we are looking at 24 x 10.

Now break apart 24 into a ten.
24= (20 + 4) x 10

Now distribute the numbers throughout the problem (there are two steps--remember 1 and 2)

20 x 10 = 200
4 x 10 = 40

Now add them both:     200 + 40 = 240
(Blue strategy on picture on the side)